Welcome to the Auckland Chevra Kadisha and Benevolent Society
Members of the Chevra can be proud that they belong to a respected and well established organisation that provides an essential suite of services to the Auckland Jewish community.
For many people, a call from the Chevra means bad news. This is because we are most commonly defined by the services we are best known for – those associated with bereavement and burials.
However, we are a benevolent society and our small committee of dedicated volunteers quietly provide a great many other services to our members.
For assistance, please contact us at any time. Select the relevant tab below –
When someone you love dies or is extremely unwell, please contact Valerie Levy or Marcus Tetro. We know what you are going through. We understand, we care and we can help.
When someone you know is in trouble or needs assistance of any sort, please contact our Relief Officer, Valerie Levy. We help those who need it, when they need it. We do this quietly and confidentially.
When someone you know is unwell, please contact our Relief Officer, Valerie Levy. We are there for you. We work closely with the Auckland Hebrew Congregation Community Outreach worker and can organise visits, help with transportation, meals and other activities.. .
Helping the Chevra
Donations / Bequests
History of the Chevra
Waikumete Cemetery
Yahrzeit Dates & Customs
Contact Details
Contact Us
Please complete the form below to send us a message or ask a question and we'll get back to you shortly.